Gen Con Schedule!
It’s that time! Gen Con starts in just a couple of days, and the chaos swallows us all whole. If you want to say hello, talk about work, or sit in on a panel, please do! I promise I don’t bite. I might be rushed and look super stressed out, but I like seeing people and will almost always be happy to say hello. So, to make things easier, here’s my schedule.
I’ll be working the Green Ronin booth, 929, every day for a couple of hours.
Setting up Green Ronin’s booth.
Attending the Diana Jones Awards.
Green Ronin booth: noon to 2.
Attending to the Gaymer table from 2-3.
PANEL: Nisaba Press, Stadium Room 12.
Green Ronin booth: 4-6
Green Ronin booth: 4-6pm
Author Symposium dinner
PANEL: 11am, Editing RPGs, JW Room 202
PANEL: 1pm, Tie-in Fiction, Hyatt Studio 1
Green Ronin booth: 2-4pm, then tear-down.