So, I leave tomorrow for Gen Con. Besides being wildly behind on everything, I’m really looking forward to it. And, if you’re there, here’s where you can find me!
I’ll be at the DJAs, so if you’re there too, stop and say hi!
Nothing but business meetings, so probably not a good time to find me.
The great and terrible day of panels! I’m leading a full publicity workshop, come by and maybe learn a thing or three.
10am: Online Presence. Come learn how to conduct yourself well online.
11am: Promotions, Sales, Publicity, and Public Relations. Pretty self-explanatory.
1pm: Networking, Not Name-Dropping. It’s a fine line. Do you know how not to be That Person?
2pm: Pitches, Proposals and Promises. We’ll talk about creating a perfect book pitch, and how to create a publicity plan that will catch a publisher’s eye.
3pm: Signings, Podcasts, and More. All about events as an author!
5pm: Religion in Gaming
3pm: A panel with Geek’s Dream Girl on dating. No, really.
VIP panels and critique sessions.
So, that’s my week! I’m going to be really busy, and running all over the con, so please don’t be offended if I wave at you while I run past. Long conversations aren’t likely this week.