

We Are All Monsters, Gallant Knight Games Shattered Age, Green Ronin Publishing Legacy of Mana, Lynnvander Studios  




  • Tales of the Lost Citadel, Nisaba Press, 2019
  • Tiny Supers, Gallant Knight Games, 2019
  • Modern Age, Player’s Companion, Green Ronin Publishing, 2019
  • Zorro: The Roleplaying Game, Gallant Knight Games, 2019
  • Threefold: a Modern AGE setting, Green Ronin Publishing, 2019
  • Winning Westeros: How the Game of Thrones Explains Modern Military Conflict, Potomac Books (coeditor), 2019
  • Tiny Wastelands, Gallant Knight Games, 2018
  • The Widow’s Tear (Starfinder 3rd Party), Gunmetal Games, 2018
  • 13th Age Bestiary 2, Pelgrane Press, 2017
  • Kaiju Rising: Age of Monsters, Ragnorok Publications, 2017
  • Blue Rose2nd Ed., Green Ronin Publishing, 2017
  • Blue Rose: RPG Six of Swords, Green Ronin Publishing, 2017
  • Shattered Queens and Other Myths: the Collected Short Stories of Jaym Gates, Falstaff Books, Autumn 2016
  • “No,” Robots!, Origins Library, 2016
  • The Tears of Some Lonely God,” Online, Hex Publishers, 2016
  • “Burned Pitch and Wet Copper,” Tarot Shadowrun anthology, Catalyst Labs, 2016
  • “Munchkin as Monomyth,” The Munchkin Book: The Official Companion, Steve Jackson Games, 2016
  • “Dude, Let’s Go to Mars,” 100 Year Starship Symposium Conference Proceedings, 2016
  • “Becoming an Interstellar Civilization,” 100 Year Starship Symposium Conference Proceedings, 2016
  • “Fangs in the Mirror,” (art by Chesley and Hugo Award-nominated Galen Dara), Beauty, Dirty Diamonds, 2015
  • Firefly: Smuggler’s Guide to the Rim, Margaret Weis Games, 2015
  • “I Am Made of Every Color,” Life After Ashes, Alliteration Ink, 2015 (reprint)
  • “Clank-Clank Nanny,” Issue 16, Goldfish Grimm, 2015
  • “There Are Ships on the Horizon, Colorless and Wrong,” Space!, Origins Library, 2015
  • “Feed the Beast,” For Exposure, Apex Publications, 2015
  • “As the Sun Dies,” Issue 1, Grendelsong, 2015
  • “Loading, Please Wait: Interstellar Crisis Communications,” 100 Year Starship Symposium Conference Proceedings, 2015
  • “The Paper Dragon,” (with comics artist Joie Brown),, 2015
  • “The Organizational Beast,” (with comics artist Joie Brown),, 2015
  • “A Red Sun Rises,” Grendelsong, 2015
  • SFWA Bulletin Special Edition, 2014
  • Tianxia: Blood, Silk, and Jade, Vigilance Press, 2014
  • “The Greatest Hunger,” Kaiju Rising, Ragnarok Publications, 2014
  • “Under the Dreams of the Gods We Weep,” By Faerie Light, Broken Eye Books, 2014
  • “I Am Made of Every Color,” Triumph Over Tragedy, Charity Anthology, 2013
  • “When Nothing Was,” Issue 2, Goldfish Grimm, 2013
  • “By Blood & Fang & Song,” Heroes!: A Diverse Superhero Anthology, Origins Library, 2013
  • “Lord of Heaven and Earth,” Writers for Relief, Sapphire City Press, 2013 (reprint)
  • Crossed Genres Quarterly 1: Celebrations and Tragedy, 2011
  • Crossed Genres Quarterly 2: Superhero, Antihero, Villain (uncredited), 2011
  • “First Step, Last Breath,” Aether Age Hadley Rille Books, 2010
  • “The Shadow of Phrixos,” Aether Age, Hadley Rille Books, 2010
  • “Lord of Heaven and Earth,” Issue 18, M-Brane SF, 2010
  • Little Death of Crossed Genres, 2010
  • “We Are Mighty,” Antihero, Crossed Genres #17, 2010
  • “A Hidden Spark: Piezoelectrics,”, 2010 (Reprinted by the Piezoelectric Institute of Europe